O Sapientia: An Advent Reflection

O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from one end to the other mightily, and sweetly ordering all things: Come and teach us the way of prudence. O Sapientia O Sapientia, one of the seven O Antiphons sung and meditated upon during the Advent season, is officially my favorite. Sapientia … Continue reading O Sapientia: An Advent Reflection

Concerning Snacks, Lent, and Inflamed Thyroids

Life demands a lot. I guess I knew that before this year, but I guess you could say that it just "sank in." Since turning fifteen last month, I've learned a lot of different things about life. Life has become...how can you say this without saying the word "dutiful?" I've taken on a lot more … Continue reading Concerning Snacks, Lent, and Inflamed Thyroids